Price Drop was $87,500.00$65,499.00 a $22,001 savings!
Windscreen, Anchor Locker, Non-skid Deck, Transom Door, Bow Seating, Cleats - Fixed, Cockpit Seating, Compartment Storage, Glove Box, Ski Tow Bar, Steering Wheel, Swim Ladder ( Stern ), Swim Platform, Cockpit Table:Removable, Beverage Holders:Removable, Flooring:Deluxe Marine Vinyl, Bimini:9 Ft, Cover - Full Boat:3 Support Poles
Color | Teal |
Interior Color | White/Teal |
Hull Material | Aluminum |
Length | 23ft 0in |
Beam | 8ft 0in |
Max Persons | 14 |
Engine | Suzuki |
Engine Power | 150HP |
Propulsion Type | Powered |
Propulsion | Single Outboard |
Steering Type | Hydraulic |
Fuel Type | Gas |
Fuel Capacity | 46 Gallon |
Payment calculations are just estimates. Rates and terms vary day to day. Not an agreement, informational purposes only. Contact dealer for current rates, terms, and payment plans, etc.
Advertised pricing excludes applicable taxes title and licensing and are subject to change without notice. Pricing may exclude any added parts, accessories or installation unless otherwise noted. Sale prices include all applicable offers. Not all options listed available on pre-owned models. Contact dealer for details.